Thursday, April 16, 2020

Canadian Raptor Conservancy (Part One)

How many times when you have driven along Highway 401 or one of the other Ontario highways have you seen large birds soaring overhead or sitting high atop a tree? It is definitely a common sight! What kind of birds are they? Eagles, hawks, vultures, falcons? As often as Judi and I have experienced seeing these magnificent creatures, we had never seen them “Up Close and Personal”! That is, until we visited Ontario’s festivals and events! Our first “close encounter” was at the 2007 International Plowing Match held near Smith’s Falls. As we passed through the gate, we immediately noticed a large sign telling us that the Canadian Raptor Conservancy was there and that they were having a “Birds of Prey” demonstration. Judi and I walked over to their show area and stood watching and waiting with other onlookers. Finally, the Conservancy Director, James Cowan, came into the roped off enclosure and started to tell us all about the Conservancy and its birds.

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